Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Stranger Again

I don't want to end it like that. Acting stranger between us and pretend just cool and nothing. I don't know how we started and ended it, but I still like you. It was the same feeling to you even this long and with another person. I sure it was you but wat is your answers!!

We already went through a lot. Understanding, forgiveness, learning, classes and more. I step deep inside your world and aid along your side. I quickly follow and agree your doing. This all mean I care for you.

Even we are not complete and perfect. You don't feel the secure from me and I felt the avoidance and giving up. I admit those weakness I have. I will be as honest and mature with you. I start to think more wisely and do accordingly. Don't judge me on those feeling and bad perception. I might not a whole new man but I trust I can be the man you to relay on. I might not really clearly mention it to you. I kind of person keep it deep inside my heart. 

I won't forgive me self if I just be stranger. I will take care of you.


No matter I induce into my feeling. I do feel the urge of Loving you. I can't say you my LAST. But I sure you are my special one. No matter what happen I will be beside you. I can't forgive my self if I can't simply protect the person I care. You getting better and I will be along side you.



I don't know how I will be but the one thing sure I will strike on as I can.
There is a lot thing to do and I need to be better.
I promise I will grow.
Thanks for all the help................